Learn the exact steps it takes to land your dream man!
Ready to step into the woman who attracts the man you've always been looking for?
Have you ever walked into a room and noticed 0 eyes on you, but all eyes are on someone else? Well, I can make you that someone else!
Welcome to The Feminine Dating Academy
Your golden map in the dating journey.
TFDA is a course designed to help you attract the man of your dreams by reclaiming the divine feminine power ALREADY within you, you already have it!
No, you don't need to be fully healed to start dating again
No, you don't need a bunch of free time
No, there is never going to be a "perfect time" to start
All you need is the willingness and desire to make a change in your love life.
Hey there, I'm Vickita!
Hey, my name is Vickita and I'm a fully recovered "chaser/ice queen".
Most women believe that their miserable dating life is the way it's going to be forever, or they'll need to spend 5 years "healing" to become a woman that attracts quality men, but TFDA is proof that you don't and it won't.
When I was starting my journey to becoming "that girl" I wish there had been someone to tell me there was a better way. An easier way, to shift into the woman I always saw quality men drool over...
So, I'm here to be that person for you. There IS an easier way. I know how difficult it can be to envision yourself as the woman who turns the heads of quality men, but I'm living proof that a distant vision can become reality - and now it's time for your vision to become YOUR reality.

How I Got Here
As an outsider looking in, you might assume I've always been supremely confident in dating and attracting quality men.
But here's the truth - I most definitely have not. I've dealt with feelings of hatred, disgust, and outright anger towards myself. All of this stemmed from being bullied as a child and looking completely different from everyone around me (especially the girls that got male attention).
This feeling of isolation and dismissiveness when I was younger led me to have certain beliefs about myself and my ability to be loved. As I got older, I noticed my insecurities and lack of confidence led me to endlessly chase the attention of men. At the time I didn't know why, all I knew is that I had a strong motivation to pursue men.
My endless pursuit of chasing men always left me heartbroken. No matter how hard I tried, I was always left crying to The Fray at 3 am wondering why I have to try so hard when other women don't have to lift a finger for attention...
I decided it was my turn to be THAT woman.
So, I started being an "ice queen". I started playing hard to get, and guess what?
It worked...until it didn't...
After completely switching into my masculine energy (for safety), I was being pursued...finally...
Then I realized...
But soon after making the switch and getting attention, I realized something.
I was able to attract men and get them to chase me (something I couldn't do before) but they weren't sticking around...why?
Because this act of "playing hard to get" attracted emotionally unavailable men who only liked the chase.
See, I was "playing" hard to get, I wasn't actually hard to get. So, once they chased me and I finally started to let my guard down, they ran. They didn't actually like me, they liked the chase I gave them...but soon after the chase was gone, so were they.
After being left confused, frustrated, and quite simply "over it", I heard about divine feminine energy and how women were attracting quality men AND keeping their attention.
So, I started the journey. I completely abandoned the idea of "trying a different tactic" to win the attention of men and instead went inward. And guess what?
It worked.
Not only did it work, it completely transformed how I show up in dating and around men.
And this was just by simply putting myself on the pedestal instead of men.
And now today, I teach other women my exact process of shifting into the woman who gets the attention of quality men and KEEPS it.
Whether you want to heal and shift, or heal, shift & attract - TFDA will get you there.
What does a life of confidence look like?
It's different for everyone.
For me, I no longer waste my time playing games with men of low value.
I walk into rooms and turn heads vs walking into a room and blending into the wall.
I no longer let my emotions cloud my ability to see a man for who he truly is.
I no longer fear a man leaving me and not seeing my value.
I'm able to let my guard down and get close to men without fearing I won't be able to walk away if I see red flags.
I no longer center men and relationships.
What does your life of confidence look like?
With TFDA, it's closer than you may think.

I created TFDA so you can...
- Feel like you're in the same league as high-quality men
- Remain high-value while developing feelings for a man
- Stay in control and on a pedestal in the dating process
- Get clear on what you want in a man and remain aligned with that vision
- Learn to trust and be secure with a man despite previous heartbreak
Not sure if you can? They did, and so can you!
Here's what other women are saying!

"My life has changed since learning the information you share in the course. Before taking your course, I was insecure, emotionally reactive, and didn't know what I wanted out of my love life. Your course really is the blueprint for an entire life makeover. I learned so much about feminine energy, the mindset of a man, attachment styles, and how to become a high-value woman. Not only did I attract new potential partners but I also became more at peace and confident with myself. I NEVER thought this would happen, especially this quickly. I am way more at peace with myself and I know exactly what I am looking for; I don't want any of my time. This was 10000% worth the money because my life completely changed in a matter of weeks."

"I simply wouldn't settle for anything less than what I wanted. Vickita really helped me think deeply and figure out what it is that I'm looking for and what I don't want. Exactly 2 months later, I attracted the most amazing man I ever met and we are currently dating. This is my dream man and we share the happiest, healthiest relationship I've ever had."

"In my online dating conversations, I was struggling. I could not keep a conversation going, I felt like I was hustling so hard. I was not getting asked on dates. Vickita helped me by going through these conversations with me and let me know what was not working. She was a little birdie in my ear coaching me through how these conversations should be going. We did role play texting and once I understood the feminine way of texting and just the art of messaging in general it allowed me to sit back more and let men reveal the amount of effort they were going to put into these conversations. I was able to move on from low-value men so much quicker and stop wasting my own time. It was only a couple weeks after this change and I started having better conversations with great men and have gone on a few really great dates with high-quality men.
More testimonials!

What sounds better?
1. Spend years chasing men who leave you crying at 3 am questioning what's wrong with you
2. Have a step-by-step plan on how you can shift into the woman who attracts quality men that value you?
I think ill go with #2.

Ok, but how exactly do you do it?
Presenting: TFDA

What is The Feminine Dating Academy?
TFDA is a course/coaching program designed to help women let go of the version of themselves that keeps attracting low-quality men and move into the version of themselves that attracts their dream man. It doesnt matter what phase of healing you're in, how much heartbreak you've had, how many failed dates you've been on, and what you believe about love - this course is for all different levels of individuals.
As you can see, women have found their dream man after YEARS of being single. THIS COURSE WORKS, so let me help you with your transformation!
Here's What You'll Learn In TFG

The first phase is all about releasing. You'll do some major subconscious work to heal and rewire old patterns no longer serving you and your dating goals. In this phase, you'll release but also prime your mind for phase 2.

The second phase is all about inputting new information into your freshly primed mind and creating a new - high-value - version of you. In this phase, you'll learn all about feminine communication, feminine energy activation, how to understand men, the art of seduction and so much more.

Finally, the third phase. Here you'll learn how to put it all together and practice what you've learned (although you will be taking action throughout the entire course). In this phase, you'll map out your dating plan, create your roster and apply your new version of self to the dating world.
Looking for more deets? Look no further!
Let's break down each module. This is just a simple overview, theres WAY more in each module like scripts, templates, worksheets + more!
Module 1
A New Reality.
- Letting Go Of The Old You + Wanting Better For Yourself
- Staying Optimistic While Attracting Your Dream Man
- Law Of Assumption + Law Of Attraction
- The Different Archetypes Of Women In Dating That Don't Work
- Men Have Standards Too
Module 2
Clearing Out The Junk.
- Identifying Your Personal Relationship Blindspots + Recognizing Patterns
- Attachment Theory + Attachment Style Healing
- The Art Of Detachment
Module 3
Stepping Into Your New Version.
- The High-Value Woman
- Emotional Reactivity + Emotional Regulation
- Trusting Yourself
- Creating a Fulfilling Life For Yourself + Your Magnetic Frame
Module 4
Unlocking Your Feminine Magnetism.
- Feminine Energy 101
- Awakening Your Power
- The Art Of Feminine Communication
- The Art Of Seduction
Module 5
Attracting, Getting & Keeping The Guy.
- What Is Masculine & Feminine Polarity and Why Is It Important?
- Understanding Men
- Building Attraction That Lasts (beyond physical)
- Triggering His Hero Instinct
- How To Be Soft & Let Him Lead
- Getting a Man To Commit To You
Module 6
High-Value Dating Plan.
- Priming Your Online Dating Profile
- Get Clear On What You Want
- Outlining Non-Negotiables, Deal Breakers + RYG System
- Systematic Vetting System
- Nurturing Your Intuition
- Rotational Dating
- The Different Archetypes Of Men In Dating
Module 7
The Perfect Date Sequence.
- High-Value Woman Texting Habits
- Texting Prior
- A Day Leading Up To The Date + Day Of
- On The Date
- After The Date
- Embracing Rejection
- First Date Approved Questions To Ask Him
How do I get Started?
Great Question! It's as easy as 1,2,3...literally

The first step, but the biggest -just taking a step. When you enroll in TFDA you will have taken the most crucial step in transforming your dating life!

Next, you'll begin going through each lesson of each module. You will have tons of training, worksheets, homework, scripts, and more to help ensure smooth progress.

Throughout each phase, you will be implementing what you learn. Small consistent actions over time compound big results. Taking action is the key to success and transformation.

Exclusive TFDA Community
The exclusive TFDA community is geared toward women that are serious about changing their love life. In the community, you'll have 24/7 access to other like-minded women in the same phase of life as you as well as additional support and advice.
*6-month access*
So, now what do I do?

20+ Hours Of Video Training's
How To Heal, Shift & Attract: Step-By-Step Model
Dating Plan Blueprint
Done-For-You Scripts & Templates
High-Converting Online Dating Profile Template
Exclusive TFDA Community
Live Training Requests
14-Day 'Invest In Yourself' Policy
(money-back guarantee) 🥂
You have a full 14 days to go through the program and put it to the test - if on day 13 you’re not satisfied, email us with your completed worksheets and we will give you a full refund.
Simple. No questions asked.
Bet on yourself, without the risk. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
Questions? Look below for answers!
Do I need to be fully healed to start dating again?
Im not "conventionally" attractive, will I still get the same results?
What if im not currently dating?
Is this course just for online dating?

Just picture this...
You're finally deleting all dating apps because you found a reason to. He's sitting beside you...
You're in complete control of your love life, feel confident and secure in yourself, and no longer chase.
You get the queen treatment daily because you stuck to your vision of love when you decided it was important enough.
Yes, it might sound like a dream right now...but it's 100% attainable.
Who is this course for?
The Feminine Dating Academy is for you if:
- You know you need to heal but just don't know where to start
- You're tired of googling & duct-taping different pieces of advice together to fix your dating problems
- You're frustrated with wasting your time on different guys with the same problems
- You've been trying to figure out why you're unsuccessful in dating and are just stuck
- You're attracting men but are unable to keep them or get commitment
- You have a strong desire to finally be in your feminine power
- You are not attracting ANYONE and you're done with being looked past
BUT, you might want to hold off if:
- You're okay feeling stuck and accepting where you're currently at
- You're fine with letting patterns repeat and getting the same results
- You don't want to achieve proven results by staying committed and consistent
- You aren't willing to fall and get back up
To those unsure...
Hey there, Vickita here...
Let's be transparent for a second. It's okay to be unsure at first. I 100% get it because I was unsure when I enrolled in my first program.
So, I'm with ya. But since we're being honest here, this scary, unsure place you're in right now is scarier than taking a risk on yourself. Why? because those consuming "what if" thoughts keep you stuck. They just play over and over again in your mind without any legitimate outcome.
It's okay to be scared and take a chance anyway because that's where the biggest reward lies. Trust me, I would know.
Things become less scary & daunting when you think about them logically. So, let's do that. There are pros and cons. Con's: try doing it yourself for another year, play it safe, don't try this program, and keep experiencing your current reality OR Pros: take a calculated risk on creating your dream situation in love and experience the life you want.
So, I'll be waiting for you inside The Feminine Dating Academy!