Terms & Conditions


 You will have 14 days from the date of purchasing The Feminine Dating Academy to apply for a refund. Our fairness refund policy is that if you do all the work you are eligible for the refund.

This means you are required to:

(1) watch 100% of the video modules available to you in the course portal

(2) provide evidence you've completed all the exercises (by sending us fully completed workbooks that evidence a genuine effort in applying the materials)

(3) provide evidence of implementing the program in your life. This would include, but is not limited to:

(a) screenshots of text messages using course frameworks. 

(b) proof you've made an effort to participate in the community and ask questions to get constructive feedback

Only if you have done the above may you apply for a refund. If we receive a refund request without the prior being complied with, we will deny your refund request and will not grant an extension to apply if your 14-day period expires in the meantime. 

Our policy is fair and is designed to protect both us and students who enter the program with good intentions.

After 14 days you are liable for the full payment of the program.

Refunds will under no circumstances be granted in the case of:

(a) change of mind for any reason what so ever including change of heart, not prioritizing your dating life anymore, or your own lack of due diligence in making sure the program is a good fit for you

(b) if you have not completed 100% of the program available to you in your portal before seeking a refund or you do not provide any evidence of genuine attempts to apply the program

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at: vickita@theempowermentera.com